09 Feb

Nowadays, seeing hunters using carts normally reserved for golf courses as transportation for their hunting expeditions is pretty normal. But how did these simple carts go from the fairway to the untamed wilderness? We explore the evolution and history of the golf cart from the course to the hunting trails below!

The Origins of Golf Carts

Golf carts originated in the early 1930s as a solution for individuals who loved golf but found it physically challenging to traverse the vast expanses of courses. These early golf cart models were simple in design and electrically powered, providing a convenient means of transportation that didn’t disrupt the tranquility of the game.However, the innovative minds at Merle Williams’s Marketeer Company launched the first true golf cart in 1951. This marked the beginning of a transformative journey as golf carts evolved beyond the greens, driving into versatility and multipurpose use.

The 1970s Golf Cart Explosion

The 1970s marked a pivotal era in the history of golf carts, as their applicability extended far beyond the golf courses. This was a decade of innovation and adaptation as these once-simple vehicles entered many other environments.Farmers and large-property owners began to recognize the utility of golf carts for short-distance transportation, appreciating their manageable size and efficiency. Likewise, small, closed communities, like The Villages in Florida and island communities, wholeheartedly embraced golf carts as transportation.Notably, the energy crisis of the 1970s also spurred interest in electric vehicles, bolstering the popularity of electric golf carts. Customization options also started emerging during this period, allowing people to tailor their carts to specific needs and preferences. Consequently, what started as a humble golf aid rapidly became indispensable for various outdoor activities.

New Terrains

The need for enhanced off-road capability became evident as golf carts began to venture off the manicured fairways and onto rocky paths and rugged terrains. Manufacturers responded by introducing robust suspensions, higher ground clearance, and tougher tires, transforming these leisurely course cruisers into robust all-terrain vehicles. Incorporating four-wheel drive mechanisms further increased the carts’ versatility, enabling them to traverse hilly landscapes easily.These improvements didn’t just lend golf carts the ruggedness they needed to withstand off-road conditions. They also opened up a whole new world of customization. Individuals could now modify their carts with winches, gun racks, and other bespoke additions catering to their unique outdoor requirements. These enhancements, coupled with the inherent quietness and environmental friendliness of electric buggies, made golf carts an irresistible choice for hunting and other outdoor pursuits.

Hunters Join the Golf Cart Trend

The transition of golf carts into the hunting domain took root during the late 20th century. Hunters began to realize that golf carts’ quiet, electric operation offered a significant advantage for stealthily traversing the wilderness without disturbing wildlife. Plus, the size and maneuverability of these vehicles made them ideal for navigating narrow woodland trails. As a result, what was once a leisure vehicle for golfers soon became a trusted companion for hunters, revolutionizing how they approach their sport.

Why Hunters Love Using Golf Carts for Hunting

Hunters didn’t adopt the golf cart as a useful hunting tool for no reason. The simple electric vehicles offered many advantages to hunters over other more common off-road vehicles, like ATVs, heavy-duty 4x4s, and pickup trucks.


The quietness of a golf cart during operation is one of its most significant advantages as a hunting vehicle. The whisper-soft engine hum allows hunters to glide almost silently through the wilderness, minimizing disturbance to the natural habitat and reducing the chances of alerting their prey.Unlike traditional automobiles or ATVs notorious for their loud, rumbling engines, a golf cart’s electric motor is virtually inaudible to wildlife, providing hunters with the edge of surprise. Essentially, a quiet hunting vehicle like a golf cart ensures a discrete and effective approach, maximizing the chances of a successful hunt.

All-Terrain Capable

The all-terrain capability of golf carts is another key feature that sets them apart as formidable hunting vehicles. These vehicles are no longer restricted to the smooth fairways of golf courses. They now confidently navigate through rough, uneven terrains, thanks to their robust suspensions, high ground clearance, and rugged tires.The enhanced off-road capabilities of these golf carts ensure a smooth, reliable ride in diverse outdoor conditions. Whether mud, snow, sand, or rocks, there’s no terrain a well-modified golf cart can’t conquer.

Environmentally Friendly

Golf carts, especially electricity-powered ones, offer an environmentally friendly alternative to traditional hunting vehicles. Unlike gas-powered automobiles or ATVs, which release harmful emissions, electric golf carts operate on rechargeable batteries, significantly reducing their carbon footprint.This greener mode of transport aligns with the growing global emphasis on sustainable practices, making it an appealing choice for eco-conscious hunters. In choosing an electric golf cart for your hunting expeditions, you’re not just gaining a stealthy, all-terrain vehicle; you’re making a responsible decision for the planet.


One of the most enticing aspects of golf carts for hunting is their customizability. These vehicles can meet the specific requirements of any hunting expedition. Hunters can add winches for towing heavy game, install additional storage for hunting gear, or even enhance the off-road capabilities with specialized modifications like brush guards and bigger tires. Hunters can customize their carts’ seating for comfort during long waiting periods, and they can add camo patterns for seamless blending into the environment. Furthermore, light bars are easy to add for those early morning or twilight hunts, ensuring visibility is never an issue. With a customizable golf cart, you can design and equip your vehicle to best complement your hunting style and needs, elevating your hunting experience to new heights.

Low Maintenance

Maintenance is an often overlooked yet vital aspect of owning any vehicle. However, golf carts score high on this front, especially compared with traditional hunting vehicles. Due to their simpler mechanical structures and electric engines, golf carts require far less maintenance than their gas-powered counterparts.Regular checks and basic care like tire pressure monitoring, battery upkeep, and occasional brake inspection are typically all that these durable vehicles require. Consequently, you can focus more on the hunt and less on vehicle upkeep.

Embrace the Evolution of Golf Carts With a Hunting Cart From Trail Buggy

Now you’ve seen the history and steady evolution of the golf cart from the well-trimmed course to the wildest hunting terrains. If you think your next hunting expedition could benefit from a hunting cart, check out our electric 4x4 hunting carts at Trail Buggy. With an independent suspension, four-wheel drive, and 70-volt lithium batteries, these aren’t your typical golf carts! Learn more on our site and place an order today. 

Evolution: Golf Cart History From Course to Hunting
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